A lot of you who follow my blog, follow me on
, or
- and if you do, you know what's been going on in my life! If you don't, I suggest you start following me there, because I obviously don't post on my main blog as often :/...!
What can I update you guys on? Well, since my last post, I have finished my marketing job here at home, and I am moving to NYC in just a couple short months, I have my roommate situation figured out (thank the Lord), and am just trying to save as much money as I can in the next couple of months before the big move!
Aka, no going out and spending a lot of money, less shopping, sparsely eating out. It has to happen. It's already happened. It is what it is haha. But I of course don't plan to have a dull summer! I have some great concerts and music festivals I will be attending throughout the summer so it's all good!!
About a month ago, I attended The Roots Picnic in Philly, and had a blast! My friend
was a featured artist, and overall the day was a lot of fun! A lot of great music! The only downside was that it was 91 degrees without a cloud in the sky, and ya girl almost fainted ha! She had to have SEVERAL SEATS until she could get her life together haha! I was also snapped by a few street style photogs, one being

Another awesome thing that happened was going to Hawaii to attend a wedding of a good family friend! I had SO MUCH FUN! Ugh, I want to go back...! It wasn't my first time to Hawaii, but my first time to the island of Oahu-- we stayed in Honolulu, Waikiki to be exact. It was great to spending some quality time with my parents, and reconnect with folks I hadn't seen in years! And the wedding was just phenomenal! Congrats again Paula and Keith! :) xo
Here are some photos from the trip!

crop top & skater skirt,

F21 two-piece-- so cute right?!

How cute are my parents? I kept teasing them for "accidentally matching" throughout our entire trip... Do you match with your partner? Do you think it's
cute? LOL weigh in on the topic!

The infamous "Shave Ice"

Topshop lemon swimsuit

crop top and shorts

I call this photo, "Polynesian Realness." WERK!

Calvin Klein maxi dress via TJ Maxx

I was all the way obsessed with my body chain. I'm pretty sure it's in EVERY SINGLE PHOTO of me on this trip haha!

I have to give credit to my talented photographer Mom for the above shot! Yes, that is real, this is what we witnessed! The wedding was truly phenomenal! The weather was perfectly sunny and hot, and you could feel the love and happiness all around! They are a great couple!

This is what I wore to the wedding. Oww!

Let's toast to the bride and groom!

Me and Pop with our matching baldies LMAO

I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog! You are here for me, and I have been MIA, which is not fair to you guys! I am putting myself on a schedule so there will be no LACK of posting... Thanks for sticking with me on my journey! I am going through a big transition right now, glad to know I have your support along the way. Thank you!
What's going on with you guys? It's summertime, and the weather is surely proving so! Any vacations or cool internships, or travel plans? Fill me in, leave me a line, it's been forever!! Hope you all are well!